God’s Greatest Gift of the Eucharist will be received by:-![god-s-greatest-gift-children-s-workbook-gold-edition-7-p[ekm]298x420[ekm]](https://i0.wp.com/wickfordcatholic.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/god-s-greatest-gift-children-s-workbook-gold-edition-7-pekm298x420ekm.jpg?resize=210%2C300&ssl=1)
Jamie Afoakwa, Elena Baker, Isabelle Gilligan, Esther Jennings, Àine Lawson, Sophie Lepper, Jessica Merrin, Josh Muller, Lewis Mulqueen, Stefan O’Brien, Destiny Orme, Nia Omotayo, Evan Owers, Caiden Robinson, Amelia Seijas and Ewan Wilkinson
For the first time this Sunday, 22nd May at the 11am Mass.
Please remember them in your prayers