When we are Baptised, we become a member of God’s family—the family of the Church—hence we are called the children of God. Baptism is the first of the three Sacraments of Initiation, the others being Confirmation and First Holy Communion. Thus, the three Sacraments stand together, and part of your commitment is to present your child for the other two Sacraments at the appropriate time.
An excellent, and most perfect way, to prepare for your child’s Baptism is to attend Mass each Sunday as a family. Yes, we can feel conscious if they cry or are disruptive, but please try not find this as a reason to stay away. People will understand. If it has been a while since you last attended Mass, please do not be afraid to come and join us you will be made very welcome.
If you would like to have your child baptised at Our Lady of Good Counsel, you must first leave contact details with the Parish Office and Fr. Mark will contact you to make an appointment to discuss the baptism with you.
First Holy Communion
The First Holy Communion programme for children in Year 3 and above begins in September and runs until June the following year. Sessions take place on at 10.30am on Saturday every three to four weeks. Parents also have sessions at the same time, to assist them in developing their own understanding of the faith and to help them in teaching their children.
Before a child can begin preparing to make their First Communion they must register on the course, details about registration are published in the Parish Newsletter.
Our Confirmation programme is open to young people who are in Year 9 or above. The programme begins in September and then continues until Pentecost Sunday when the Confirmation candidates are confirmed at the 11am Mass. Please speak to Fr. Mark for more information.
Couples who are wishing to get married at Our Lady of Good Counsel should arrange an appointment to see Fr. Mark. At least six months notice is required in order to allow sufficient time for preparation of couples. Preparation includes a one day course offered by Catholic Marriage Care as well as meetings with Fr. Mark
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Confessions are Saturday morning at 10am and Saturday afternoon at 5pm (Please check the newsletter for any amendments). Other times by appointment.
Sacrament of the Sick and Communion to the Housebound
This Sacrament is available to anyone who is unwell or is going into hospital. Please contact the Parish Office to arrange a suitable time and date.
Those who are unable to get to Mass due to sickness or old age are also able to receive communion at home from one of our Ministers of Communion. Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements for this.
If you, a relative or a friend is going into hospital and would like to be visited during your stay, please contact the Parish Office and we will notify the chaplain or the parish which serves that hospital.
Eucharistic Adoration
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Tuesday from 10am to 5pm, Wednesday 10am to 4pm and Friday 10am to 5pm.
Ever thought of becoming a Catholic? We welcome inquiries from everyone. You may be someone who has never belonged to a faith tradition or you may have been baptised in another Christian faith. You may simply feel a sense of curiosity to find out more or you may have already decided to seek membership of the Catholic church. Whichever your starting point you are very welcome.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process in which newcomers are welcomed into the life of the Church. If you would like to know more about what is involved in becoming a Catholic then please speak to Fr Mark.